Stop! Collaborate and Listen.

As agencies shift to a global and mobile working style in a gig-based economy, the need to create a more collaborative work environment has become the norm. Thought being: If we tear down walls for an open-concept workspace and select the right communication tools and apps that allow people the freedom to work from anywhere, we’ll increase productivity, creativity and—hopefully—employee satisfaction.  

But, is it even true?  

Does a magically collaborative work environment create a happy space for everyone?  

Let’s stop for a minute here to consider what “collaboration” even means. 



1. the action of working with someone or create something.

2. traitorous cooperation with an enemy.

Turns out, this hot workplace trend is DARK. And light. Let’s focus on the light side first.  

A new(ish) study featured in Forbes indicates there is a lot of good that comes from collaboration in the workplace. Some upsides to collaboration: Engagement levels go up, fatigue is low, success rates are high. And those participants asked to act collaboratively? They tend to stick to their task(s) a whopping 64% longer than their solitary peers.  

Those are all incredibly convincing findings in favor of working together. But, in the spirit of collaboration, I tapped some of my co-workers with a collaboration Q&A in an effort to further understand how they (and fellow collaborators) really felt about this topic. Here goes… 

Q: Tell me what comes to mind when you hear the word “collaboration.” 

This one question would have made for a great brainstorming session. (D’oh! Next time.)  

Project Manager Lauren Petersen’s mind immediately drifted to music and the collaborations between artists like Beyoncé and the Dixie Chicks. Still others thought of fashion-house collaborations that have become so mainstream Vogue magazine is writing tips on how YOUR fashion collaboration can stand out against the rest. And, of course, working at an agency that’s often united in the kitchen over a love of deliciousness, cronuts came to mind.  

Then there was the physical action of collaboration involving whiteboards, sticky notes, conversation, coffee, hard candies, and potentially hard feelings.  

My personal favorite answer? The fact that every agency seems to have branded collaboration with a name like “synEnergize”.  

This response from Account Planner Evan Jayne strikes me because it’s: 1. HEEElarious and 2. True.  

Even though there were a LOT of responses that hit positive notes (teamwork, solutions, goals), there again is that dark side of collaboration lurking. So, perhaps collaboration is not for everyone? Let’s explore further… 

Next Q: What does collaboration mean to you? 

The answers here were as varied as the individuals themselves. Most agreed with Director of Production Management Jamie Bolles on the premise that collaboration entailed (again) “working together for a common goal.” Yet, one teammate discussed the vulnerability in these group settings and how difficult it can be to share work or ideas that are incomplete and allow others to weigh in.  

That got me thinking—is there a formula to successful collaboration? Turns out, yes. 

In his book, Superminds: The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together, Thomas Malone of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology outlines three factors that determine the success of a collaborative group effort.  

Being able to gauge the emotional state of others was key; equal participation from all parties—vital; and, the more women in the group the better.  

This last component, let’s call it the “Female Factor”, is one I can definitely relate to as I currently collaborate with nearly all women on a daily basis. And, perhaps since we as a sex are emotional and evocative by nature (read: we communicate to be heard, supported, and understood), we’re more comfortable with the vulnerability inherent in group efforts.  

But, as Malone’s book title indicates and trends dictate, there is more to collaborative success than the people who are working together. According to The hyper-connected workplace: Will productivity reign? 2018 Global Human Capital Trends by Deloitte Insights, “Our research suggests that in today’s networked organizations, a combination of technology, physical space design, new leadership approaches, and new work practices must all come together to achieve this goal. This requires collaboration between HR, IT, and the business to build an integrated, customized work environment.” 

So, successful workplace collaboration takes… a large collaborative effort? I feel that. As I leader, I also feel this success lies in clarity of roles. If all collaborating members—whether they’re teammates, clients, vendors, partner agencies—are confident in their contributions, then everyone involved can be open to the process.  

Which leads us into… to the dark side. 

Q: Is there a downside to collaboration?  

Let’s pause here first to consider that collaborating with others allows people to see the critical thinking path of others. This is GREAT! Right? Being able to listen, take in another point of view, and fire up (or, maybe even change) your own critical thinking. Right! But, here’s the danger: “groupthink”.   

When critics are reluctant to point out a plan’s defects for fear of being ostracized by the group, well then, we have a big #FAIL, don’t we? That’s what a lot of my fellow collaborators answered… in different ways, naturally.  

For most, “collaboration” was synonymous with “compromise.” Squeaky wheels, loud voices, senior stakeholders, or perhaps just people who don’t work well with others were all identified as factors that tip the scales of justice (so to speak) in collaborative settings. And, one astute observer recognized that too many people weighing in too early on a project often spelled disaster.  

But what about that second definition of “collaboration”? 

2.traitorous cooperation with an enemy. 

Well. Here’s another fact about our current gig-based economy. Clients are more apt to ask different agencies under their employ to work together on projects. So, in this rapidly evolving landscape, teams that once were in heated competition are now being asked to compromise, come together, and collaborate—work together for a common goal. This can feel traitorous. Unnatural. (Been there). But, if things start to feel a little uneasy, just remember to go back to clarity of roles. By clearly identifying your expertise for others whom you may not have ever worked with previously, you soften the need to “protect your territory” (or, scope of work).    

Or, better put from one of my favorite collaborators Art Director Fallon McBride, “It’s important to remember to 1. respect the people you are collaborating with and 2. trust that they know what they’re doing. If you don’t… the collaboration means nothing.” That goes for ANYONE and everyone, no matter how many times you’ve worked together or how closely.  

And finally. 

Q: Does collaborating on a project make you happy?  

Let’s start with Evan who says that collaborative projects always make him happy in the end. Then, he takes it another amazing step further with, “To me, collaboration is kinda like baking a cake from scratch. It’s messier and there are more variables than the Betty Crocker Mix, but the end result has the opportunity to be much more elevated. When you work independently, you know what you’re getting into. It’s faster and cleaner. But it can be bland.” <Me nodding on my way to the kitchen for an afternoon treat. Please be cake, please be cake, please be cake.> 

Lauren’s music mash-up makes me smile as I do believe that seemingly opposing contributors coming together is true magic. And a good reason why it’s sooo on trend right now. As for her own “happiness factor”?  Lauren says, “Yes! I think some of my best experiences working on projects come from the team working together to solve a problem. I was lucky enough to participate in two pitches at the end of 2018 which both ended in success. It felt super rewarding to be part of a team where everybody had a part to play and came together to create a successful end result. I think it also provides ample opportunity to learn from one another, which is another benefit of collaboration.” Indeed! 

A leader on the production front, Jamie, who collaborates with people outside of our office walls all… the… time… upholds my own ideal vision of “team” when he says, “We come together to come up with the best possible solution.” YEEESSSS. As for Jamie himself? When asked if collaborating on a project makes him happy, his response is, “Yes. For sure.” <fist bump> 

And, I’m infinitely thankful to be kept “in check” by a woman I collaborate with on nearly every project who feels that, “Behind every great collaboration there are at least two people who are good at what they do, and use their talents to create something great.” Fallon. I see you, woman. And, I hear you when you say, “My happiness doesn’t matter in the end. I may not be happy during certain parts of collaboration [but,] I am happy to collaborate.” 

Look. Clearly, we have a consensus here that collaboration does (in most part) make us happy. But, there are rules and restrictions that mean maybe collaborative efforts don’t, in fact, result in positive experiences for every contributor. Knowing that not everyone is “into it” is a great filter to keep in mind when setting to task because, like it or not, collaboration is required in this gig-based economy. So, get ready to get uncomfortably messy, like Evan. Find some magic, like Lauren. Embrace it full on, like Jamie. Go cronuts, like Fallon.  

And, remember these basics:  

STOP. First start with clarity. 

COLLABORATE with an open mind. 

LISTEN to those experts around you.     

Thank you.

But, come on. Is anything really THIS GOOD?

But, come on. Is anything really THIS GOOD?


Given the current social climate of fake news, now synonymous with "alternative facts", it's no wonder that there's a buzz about the lack of TRUST in media and government and on social (ehem, Facebook). Of course, advertisers have been discussing this lack of TRUST well before November 8th, 2016 because, despite all the negative posts and press, people are still turning to and trusting in businesses. So, the pressure to continue building TRUST through each interaction is more critical now than ever - especially since this is not a national crisis - it's global.

Lets pump the breaks just a minute and talk about TRUST.

TRUST is the result of having an honest relationship over time. It can be built quickly, but once broken (and that can happen in a flash), might also take years to rebuild. So, when evaluating how to build upon trust between individuals and brands, we really need to focus on listening, learning and being honest.


Back in October 2016, I attended the Seattle Interactive Conference (SIC). As you can well imagine all the buzz and demos were focused on #AR, #VR, #chatbots and #marketingautomation. The most inspired (and most well-attended) talk I sat in on, however, wasn't focused on tech at all. It was given by one Mr. Warren Etheredge (@thewarrenreport) and was titled The Art of Listening.

During his talk, Warren didn't even click through typical PowerPoint slides, instead opting to bullet his points with a sharpie on the whiteboard behind him. And, he had the entire standing-room-only audience's full focus as he walked us through 4 Steps to Having the Conversation of our Dreams.

1. Get their attention 2. Maintain their focus 3. Win their trust 4. Earn their respect

He introduced the idea of starting conversations with unexpected questions. By approaching people in an unexpected way you're letting them know that this just might be a worthwhile conversation that leads some place interesting.

He spoke about keeping people engaged by staying engaged. Don't stick to a template or follow a script - it's unnatural, frustrating and even infuriating.

Keep your conversation authentic. By engaging in an open conversation people are more likely to share information they wouldn't otherwise. And, provide you with great insights that would otherwise be impossible to get.

Of course, steps 1-3 lead us back to the topic at hand: LISTENING. You need to be prepared to listen to what people are telling you, then act accordingly. That's the road to respect and one that will likely lead to success.


Handles, hashtags, and BIG bucket loads of data: LEARNING about your customer's interests and needs has never been easier. The digital landscape gives companies access to instantaneous feedback - that is, if they're listening, obvis.

Back in the mid-2000s the question being asked was, "What's our social strategy?". The question that should be asked today is, "What's our Customer Service strategy on social?" Why? According to J.D. Power, 67% of consumers have used a company’s social media channel for customer service. And nearly half of those people expect a response within the hour.

Remember our lessons about LISTENING: If you're going to be in the social space, it's vital you're THERE. Posting regularly to peak interest, staying engaged with others in the space, listening to their needs and responding accordingly.

Rather than go on and on about HOW, check out these "14 Amazing Social Media Customer Service" case studies. Good, simple solutions that will go a long way in winning trust and earning respect for your brand.

HONESTY (aka: Transparency)

Lets get real for just a minute. When we're talking honesty in advertising, lets look to a few naysayers first.

Some feel that people "want the illusion of honesty" rather than hearing it straight or that's it's necessary to "bend the truth to grab attention". That may be true for fluffy TV spots over dramatizing the effectiveness of a product or urgency-driven headlines on a direct mail piece touting a hot offer that isn't really ending soon, but that doesn't have to be the "way it is".

The best way to be honest is to use customer insights and pain points to offer a service that's actually worthwhile. One that addresses their needs, shows you've been listening and have actually done something about it! And, to the naysayers, I say, Transfarency.

Southwest Airlines took the transparency game to a whole new level back at the end of 2015. Their slogan "Low fares. Nothing to hide." was then (and continues to be) reinforced by their Transparency campaign. This overtly-named strategy provides a fee-free suite of services that are unmatched by the competition, and alleviates an entire checklist of customer complaints. They also manage to deliver these messages with personality - just check out their Fee or Fake game. I scored 100%, just sayin.

How well has it worked for them? Southwest has reported record profits over the past two years and is showing so much promise that even Warren Buffet (a man who once referred to the entire airline industry as a "death trap") is investing billions.

But, just for fun - & a shout out to the naysayers - check out these 40 Honest Advertising Slogans by graphic designer Clif Dickens. Hilarious!

Now. Lets wrap this up.

What we're all really trying to achieve is a long-term relationship. And, that means we need to focus on being interesting and interested. Start conversations with the goal of learning something new and be prepared to adjust your policies and processes when it makes sense. Above all be honest and just do the best you that you can do.



Eyes On #Reality

#VR #AR #MR - Right now, the world of #alltherealities is in a very surreal, dreamlike state. The study and execution in, around and through these spaces is a virtual playground because no one can say for certain where the technology will catch on first, or how quickly.

I try to keep up with whatever is going on in the space because there is no doubt that these realities are, in fact, the future. And there is room for #alltherealities to play ... albeit in different sandboxes. And, we won't have to take a Magic Leap of faith to get there.

Here is a short list of my top favorite play areas:

#VR School Bus - imagine you're a budding NASA nerd on the cutting edge of robotics and aeronautic technology and you are given the opportunity to explore the red planet while your butt is parked firmly in the bench seat of a yellow school bus.

#VR for Seniors - not yet proven by scientific study, one MIT start up is focused on providing otherwise impossible experiences to seniors living in eldercare facilities, many of whom are confined to wheelchairs or walkers. The (unofficial) results? Improved mood and health by providing virtual trips to Paris, a Cirque du Soleil stage or childhood home.

#VR Meet Ups - so the idea to host an entirely #VR meet up is a REALLY new. But, the first of its kind brought female leaders from across the country together in a live streaming event called "Yes! Now is the Time." - an interactive political art show. Pretty amazing for a first rodeo.

And, yes yes Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks #AR will be as important as 'eating three meals a day', so lets not leave out...

#AR Brain Surgery - yes, really. There are A LOT of potential uses for #alltherealities in medicine: training students virtually rather than on human cadavers, virtually instructing people on procedures while they're "in the field" or war zone. This one just stuck.

#AR Power Tools - for an aspiring DIYer, This. Is. Awesome.

So. There you have it. I think the future of #Reality will improve health and wellness, increase IQs and make us all a little sexier with power tools.




ASMR listen up, people

One of my favorite things to do when researching advertising + studying human behavior (or natural phenoms) is to pair seemingly unrelated things or facts together in order to grab attention when presenting these ideas to peers and clients. Wireless usage + the sleeping habits of ants, Responsive design + Bruce Lee, YouTube content + ASMR. 

ASMR. What is THAT? Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. So, those who have ASMR feel a tingling sensation when they hear certain tones or sounds.

And, who are these audio-affected individuals, you ask? Lets ask YouTube.

YouTube searches for ASMR video content grew over 200% YoY in 2015. This audio-seeking audience is comprised largely of 18-24 year old gamers and techies, mostly tuning in via mobile and likely to be in bed: The majority of all ASMR video views occurs at 10:30pm (across all time zones) and "ASMR sleep" ranks highest among searches.

What are these spine-tingling sounds? The most common triggers are nail tapping, crackling and the dulcet tones of soft-spoken painter Bob Ross. Although, cracking open a beer can is apparently a sleep-inducing sound for some as well. 

What does any of this have to do with advertising? GREAT question.

Some brands are addressing this audience segment head on. Check out Colonel Sanders cashing in on the ever popular sound of biting into crispy fried chicken while discussing pocket squares.

Of course, some brands are capitalizing on the trend without having to develop their own content. Go to YouTube and search: ASMR tic tacs, ASMR Taco Bell... even, ASMR Swedish Fish.

It's discoveries like these that keep me exploring, asking questions and geeking out over what I do day in and day out. And, remind me that what's new or next in this digital age isn't necessarily someTHING that needs to be produced, but someONES who need to be heard.

Thanks for listening.