Eyes On #Reality

#VR #AR #MR - Right now, the world of #alltherealities is in a very surreal, dreamlike state. The study and execution in, around and through these spaces is a virtual playground because no one can say for certain where the technology will catch on first, or how quickly.

I try to keep up with whatever is going on in the space because there is no doubt that these realities are, in fact, the future. And there is room for #alltherealities to play ... albeit in different sandboxes. And, we won't have to take a Magic Leap of faith to get there.

Here is a short list of my top favorite play areas:

#VR School Bus - imagine you're a budding NASA nerd on the cutting edge of robotics and aeronautic technology and you are given the opportunity to explore the red planet while your butt is parked firmly in the bench seat of a yellow school bus.

#VR for Seniors - not yet proven by scientific study, one MIT start up is focused on providing otherwise impossible experiences to seniors living in eldercare facilities, many of whom are confined to wheelchairs or walkers. The (unofficial) results? Improved mood and health by providing virtual trips to Paris, a Cirque du Soleil stage or childhood home.

#VR Meet Ups - so the idea to host an entirely #VR meet up is a REALLY new. But, the first of its kind brought female leaders from across the country together in a live streaming event called "Yes! Now is the Time." - an interactive political art show. Pretty amazing for a first rodeo.

And, yes yes Apple CEO Tim Cook thinks #AR will be as important as 'eating three meals a day', so lets not leave out...

#AR Brain Surgery - yes, really. There are A LOT of potential uses for #alltherealities in medicine: training students virtually rather than on human cadavers, virtually instructing people on procedures while they're "in the field" or war zone. This one just stuck.

#AR Power Tools - for an aspiring DIYer, This. Is. Awesome.

So. There you have it. I think the future of #Reality will improve health and wellness, increase IQs and make us all a little sexier with power tools.